Portugal Reverses Decision To Shut Down Golden Visa Program

Portugal Reverses Decision To Shut Down Golden Visa Program

The surprises just keep on coming for Portugal’s golden visa investors. It seems the country won’t be ending its golden visa program after all. Instead, the government now intends to remove real estate purchase and capital transfer as eligible investments to qualify for the visa. The program’s uncertainty began when the government announced its controversial decision to…

Cyprus Golden Visa Revamp: Investments Unchanged but Fewer Dependents and Tougher Compliance

Cyprus Golden Visa Revamp: Investments Unchanged but Fewer Dependents and Tougher Compliance

Cyprus has revamped its permanent residence by investment program and introduced major changes aimed at improving transparency and creating long-term benefits for its economy. While better control mechanisms and transparency are good for the program, the changes are unlikely to cheer investors since fewer dependents can qualify in a single application and successful applicants will face stricter…