Instability in the Middle East Causes Many to Seek Second Passport

The growing trade in ‘economic citizenship’ around the world is being driven by a surge in demand for second passports, with thousands of people from politically unstable countries in the Middle East such as Egypt and Syria investing several hundred thousand dollars to secure passports of countries that offer safety, security, and visa-free travel worldwide. There are currently around 20 countries that offer citizenship by investment schemes.

Source: National

Categories: Investors Blog
Colin R. Singer: Colin R. Singer is Managing Partner of investmentimmigration.com and immigration.ca and one of Canada’s foremost senior corporate immigration attorneys. He is recognized as an experienced authority on Canadian immigration matters as well as the international residence-by-investment industry through investmentimmigration.com. He is a licensed immigration lawyer in good standing with a Canadian Law Society during the past 25+ years.
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